Jewelry Designer/Owner
Elise Namee
Elise is currently enrolled as a student at Texas A&M University Main Campus as a University Studies Major concentrating in Business. She began making jewelry as a hobby to help pass the time during the summer time, making super simple bracelets and necklaces for her mom. After buying a large jewelry kit with more complex designs, the wheels began turning. It did not take long after working on the projects from the kit for her to take her own personal design ideas to the next level. After some encouragement from her family, Elise decided to start making jewelry for non-family members and to try and sell them.
- In 2011, Elise donated jewelry to the Friends of Westbury Gala, making it the first event to showcase her work under the name Simply Simple Handmade Jewelry
- In 2012, Elise was once again asked to donate jewelry to the F.O.W. Gala and Simply Simple had its second official event.